Ant Ibodies and Complementary Dna Probe
Signal recogni t ion particle (SRP) is a r ibonucleoprotein consist ing of six distinct polypept ides and one molecule of smal l cytoplasmic 7SL-RNA. The particle was previously shown to funct ion in protein translocat ion across and protein integrat ion into the endoplasmic ret iculum membrane. fract ions. The part i t ioning of SRP is shown to be dependent on the ionic condi t ions of the fract ionat ion. Under condi t ions approximat ing physiological ionic strength, SRP is found to be about equal ly distr ibuted between a membrane associated (38%) and a free (15%) or r ibosome associated (47%) state. Furthermore, it is shown that >75% of the total cel lular 7SL-RNA is associated wi th SRP polypept ide in these fract ions. Thus it is l ikely that the major-i f not the only-cel lular funct ion of 7SL-RNA is as a part of SRP.
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